Fuse - described as a “blow-up-first ask-questions-later kinda guy” on the Apex Legends website - will be the 16th hero to join the game since its launch almost two years ago now, and his official unveiling arrives in the form of a new Stories from the Outlands video. It’s a whistle-stop animated tour of Fuse’s chaotic life - from childhood to present - detailing his adventures with an unnamed partner-in-crime on the planet Salvo, his eventual crowning as Bonecage Champion, and the events that led to the Aussie demolitions expert losing his arm. That origin story is all we have to go on at the moment, and Respawn is yet to offer official word on how Fuse will play as a character. As noted by Polygon, however, data miners have previously uncovered evidence that Fuse can use his mechanical arm to toss grenades and has access to an ultimate known as The Motherlode, which sees the massive cannon on his back come into play. Expect plenty more details of Apex Legends’ eighth season - which also brings a new lever-action rifle known as The 30-30 Repeater, a new Battle Pass, and a new Ranked Season - as its 2nd February launch on PS4, Xbox One, and PC approaches.