The news comes courtesy of artist Thomas Feichtmeir who released a screenshot of artwork used in the pitch to the publisher six years ago - now, the NDA is finally up. Feichtmeir also worked on Blasphemous, itself a Metroidvania inspired by the Dark Souls series. Watch on YouTube Let’s Play Dark Souls 3 Episode 1: FORTUNE FAVOURS THE BUTTS! In fact, there have been plenty of Metroidvania games influenced by the dark tone and challenging gameplay of Dark Souls - Salt and Sanctuary, Death’s Gambit, Dead Cells and more. But an official Dark Souls release? That could have been exceptional. The artwork itself is of a knight character battling the iconic boss Dancer of the Boreal Valley.

In a follow up tweet, Feichtmeir explains the art was “created in a style which would have been doable in the average budget estimations of Metroidvanias back then”. Feichtmeir said the prevalence of 2D games is why this Dark Souls spin-off was pitched. The artist’s tweet has since gone viral so the game likely would have been popular too. Now, how long until a 2D Metroidvania reimagining of Elden Ring? At the least, there are already Game Boy and SNES versions.