Back in May 2020, Doom Eternal executive producer Marty Stratton took to Reddit to address “speculation and criticism” surrounding the the game’s soundtrack’s release, and admitting to “eroded trust” between Gordon and id Software. Then, last week, Gordon took to Medium to share a lengthy statement rebutting Stratton’s claims, releasing screenshots of emails and legal documents as evidence of the true timeline of events. He went on to allege abusive behaviour and manipulation by Stratton. In response to that post, publisher Bethesda has now shared its own statement on Twitter, saying Gordon’s claims “both mischaracterised and misrepresented the team at id Software, the development of Doom Eternal, Marty Stratton, and Chad Mossholder with a one-sided and unjust account of an irreparable professional relationship”. “We are aware of all the details and history in this matter and unequivocally support Marty, Chad, and the team at id Software,” the statement continued. “We reject the distortion of the truth and selective presentation of incomplete ‘facts’. We stand ready with full and complete documented evidence to disclose in an appropriate venue as needed.” Bethesda also claimed Gordon’s rebuttal had resulted in “harassment and threats of violence” to members of id Software, saying “threats or harassment directed towards members of our teams will be met with swift and appropriate action to protect their health and safety”. “We remain incredibly proud of id’s previous collaborations with Mick Gordon,” Bethesda’s statement concluded, “and ask that fans refrain from reaching conclusions based on his account, and more importantly, from attacking any of the individuals mentioned on either side, including Marty, Chad, or Mick.”