Whether you’re a hopeless Sim romantic, a would-be Sim lothario, or a coolly detached achievement or trophy hunter (where WooHoo appears often!) this WooHoo page will take you through the various requirements for, and benefits (and risks!) of WooHooing in The Sims 4 and who can WooHoo with who. If you’re considering pregnancy and having babies, that requires its own set of steps to consider! On this page: Looking for more The Sims 4 help? Our The Sims 4 cheats page to help fast track you to various aspects of the game. The happy couple retreat to whatever location you’ve chosen for them to WooHoo in and disappear behind a modest screen of bedsheets/steam/leaves/whatever makes most sense in context. A suitably saccharine jingle plays; love hearts and rose petals floating in the air hint at what’s happening; and more worldly-wise players might be able to draw certain conclusions from the fireworks and fountains that go off towards the end of the interaction… but that’s about as smutty as The Sims 4 gets.

Benefits to having your Sims WooHoo

At its most basic gameplay level, WooHooing is usually pretty good for your Sims’ overall moods. WooHooing maxes out the Social and Fun motives - although it does decrease Energy and Hygiene to a lesser extent. It will usually grant the ‘Pleasantly Satisfied’ (+1) or ‘Completely Satisfied’ (+2) Happy moodlets, which also boost any other positive emotional states for 4 in-game hours afterwards. And while two Sims will need to be quite fond of each other in order to WooHoo in the first place, a successful WooHoo will further strengthen the relationship between the participants, increasing their Romantic relationship value significantly. There are, however, some age requirements, as only Sims who are Young Adults or older can WooHoo, although they’re free to seek partners outside of their own age group as long as everyone involved is a consenting grown-up. (Sims also can’t do any Romantic interactions with anyone the game considers a biological or legally adopted relative: this includes their parents, siblings, offspring, grandparents, aunts/uncles, nieces/nephews, and first cousins.) The WooHoo interaction should become available to two Sims of appropriate age(s) once their romantic relationship bar reaches about the 40%-50% mark, achieved by successfully performing Romantic interactions together. Alternatively, it will be available automatically if the couple in question are Dating, Engaged, or Married. WooHoo can then be initiated in two ways:

Have the active Sim interact with their romantic interest and choose ‘WooHoo’ from the ‘Romantic’ socialisation category. If accepted, the couple will autonomously choose a WooHoo location from those available on the lot.

Click on an available WooHoo location and choose ‘WooHoo with…’. If your Sim has multiple romantic interests in the lot, a menu will appear letting you choose between them; otherwise, your Sim’s love interest’s name will be shown in the pop-up.

WooHoo can be initiated by, and will generally be accepted by, Sims in any positive emotional state. Sims who are feeling Happy or Playful, for example, are likely to be receptive if the conversation takes a sudden turn towards seduction, especially if they have an established Romantic relationship with the Sim doing the asking. But Flirty (or Very Flirty) is the ideal emotional state for WooHoo: the requirements for successful Romantic interactions are lowered, and Sims in this mood might even get Whims to WooHoo that will grant Satisfaction Points upon success. Moodlets granting the Flirty emotional state are primarily triggered by performing Romantic social interactions, though sometimes personality traits and environmental factors come into play too (see Other factors, below). Your Sims don’t need to be in any kind of formalised relationship in order to WooHoo. Boyfriends/Girlfriends, Fiancé(e)s, and Husbands/Wives might find their advances are accepted more readily by their established partners; and the option to WooHoo will always be available to official couples as long as both partners are on the same lot with a suitable location available. (This doesn’t necessarily mean that the interaction will be accepted, though: see Rejection, below.) However, propositioning a romantic interest who’s in a good mood and with whom your Sim shares a high Romantic relationship value, even with no attached status, will usually succeed just as often.

Other factors that influence successful WooHoo interactions

Sims with the Charisma skill enjoy increased success in all social interactions, up to and including WooHoo. The higher their Charisma skill level, the more likely that other Sims will accept their proposition to WooHoo, even if their mood or relationship is lower than the normal base levels for success. A Sim with one of the Love Aspirations (either ‘Serial Romantic’ or ‘Soulmate’) will gain the Alluring Bonus Trait. Sims with this trait have a +20% chance of success in romantic interactions, including WooHoo. Sims with the Romantic emotional trait, which can be applied in Create-A-Sim, get a weaker version of this benefit, as well as autonomously gaining Flirty moodlets at random intervals. Finally, ambience can be a factor. Items with the Flirty emotional aura enabled - including crafted items, career reward items, and collectibles - will cause every Sim in the room where the object is placed to gain a powerful Flirty moodlet. With the City Living expansion pack installed, lots with the Romantic Aura or Romantic Fireplace lot traits increase the chances of Sims getting Flirty moodlets. In both cases, these moodlets improve the odds of romantic interactions being successful. Both are initiated in the same way as regular WooHoo and become available under the same general circumstances; and a successful interaction will play out using the same locations and animations. However, they have slightly different conditions and outcomes attached: Try for Baby: Available only when one partner can ‘Become Pregnant’ (active by default for Young Adult/Adult females) and the other partner can ‘Get others pregnant’ (active by default for Young Adult/Adult/Elder males). The ‘Custom Gender Settings’ panel in Create-A-Sim allows you to change these options, as well as disabling ‘Try for Baby’ altogether for that Sim by selecting ‘Neither’. By contrast to regular WooHoo, which never results in pregnancy, Trying for Baby has an 80% base chance of success. Mess Around: A toned-down version of WooHoo, only available when both partners are in the Teen age group. Though identical to WooHoo in most respects, worried Sim parents may be reassured to know that Teens remain fully clothed while Messing Around. If one partner ages up to Young Adulthood they will retain their Romantic relationship value with their teen sweetheart, but all romantic interactions (including WooHoo/Mess Around) are disabled for the couple until the younger partner has aged up to a Young Adult too. Getting carried away with a new partner before the relationship is on firm footing can result in a knock-back, but even an established couple who are passionately in love can have their off days. Like all social interactions in The Sims 4, attempts to initiate WooHoo can be rejected. Getting turned down usually results in the ‘Awkward Encounter’ moodlet for both Sims (boosting the Embarrassed emotional state by +2 for the next 4 in-game hours) and turning whole thing into an Embarrassing Conversation, while both the Romantic and Friendly relationship values between the two Sims take a hit. On the plus side, the moodlet penalty is no bigger than it would be for any rejected Romantic interaction, no matter how minor: Sims get just as Embarrassed if their crush won’t exchange phone numbers with them. Rejected Sims can attempt to apologise for their forward behaviour, but this often just results in more embarrassment and relationship loss, so it’s usually better to end the conversation and let the two of them cool off for a while until the moodlets expire. There are a couple of things you can do to promote a more favourable response to your Sim’s proposition the next time around. Even though it doesn’t directly influence Romantic interactions, the Friendly relationship value can be a factor: unless a Sim’s feeling Very Flirty or has a very strong Romantic relationship value with their love interest, they might get a little bit hurt if their potential WooHoo partner only seems to have one thing on their mind. Doing some Friendly interactions to bring this value up can help a lot (this is especially true if no formal romantic relationship exists between the two Sims in question). And while official couples are more likely to accept offers of WooHoo even if some of their individual needs are low, if one or both Sims’ overall emotional state is negative (e.g. they’re feeling Uncomfortable or Sad) there’s still a good chance they won’t be in the mood to WooHoo until something cheers them up. Most locations will grant unique moodlets, but unless otherwise noted the difference is only superficial, and in practice the moodlets still grant a variation on the +1 or +2 Happy emotional buff (or +1 Uncomfortable buff if things don’t go to plan).

Residential Lots vs Community Lots: Getting caught in the act

Two Sims WooHooing on a residential lot (even at a house in which they’re both guests rather than in their own home) isn’t the cause for much gossip, and everyone else on the lot goes on about their day apparently unaware. However, two Sims WooHooing on a community lot might attract a few curious spectators. This doesn’t have any effect on relationships or moodlets, either for the WooHooing couple or the onlookers, though; it’s just a funny visual. Things are a bit different if another Sim enters the same room where a couple are in flagrante WooHoo. The intruders’ reactions can range from neutral to Embarrassed (the latter is especially the case if they’re related to one or both of the lovers), to Very Angry if they also have a Romantic relationship value with either individual. Getting caught cheating gives the guilty Sim an Embarrassed moodlet, too.

Negative moodlets after WooHoo

Usually, if both Sims are in a positive emotional state and have a close relationship, they’ll get Happy moodlets that last for a few hours after WooHooing. However, there is a small chance that they’ll instead get some variation on the ‘Unsatisfied’ (Uncomfortable +1 for 2 hours) moodlet, or the ‘Poorly Performed’ (Embarrassed +1 for 3 hours) moodlet. Factors that increase the risk of unsatisfying WooHoo include either partner having very low needs (especially physical needs like Bladder, Energy, and Hunger) or being in a negative emotional state (e.g. Uncomfortable) while WooHooing. Having the same couple WooHoo more than three times in quick succession can be a risk factor in triggering this moodlet, as can having an Elder Sim WooHoo with a Young Adult or Adult. There also seems to be a small element of randomness involved: even under ideal conditions, WooHoo simply can’t go to plan every single time.

Fatal attraction: Death by WooHoo

More correctly called Death by Exhaustion or Death by Overexertion, there’s a chance that this fate awaits Elder Sims who exert themselves too strenuously, either through physical exercise or WooHoo. An Elder Sim who’s overdone things a bit - either at the gym or somewhere more intimate - risks receiving the ‘Dangerously Tired’ moodlet, boosting the Uncomfortable emotion by a massive +40. It lasts for 4 hours, during which time they might well keel over dead if they ignore their better judgement and decide to carry on with what they were doing. Strange as it sounds, there is actually one benefit to Death by Overexertion. Ghosts of Sims who died this way won’t engage in any destructive or anti-social behaviours when idling, which is pretty rare compared to other causes of death. It’s almost as if they’re fairly content with the way they went out. Hey, if you’ve gotta go… For the sake of simplicity, this guide will use ‘achievements’ as a catch-all term inclusive of all three systems: Origin Achievements, Xbox Achievements, and PlayStation Trophies. All the achievements found in the console versions of the game are also in the Origin version (with the exception of the Platinum Trophy on PlayStation 4); however, not all Origin achievements are available on consoles. The Xbox One and PlayStation 4 versions of the game include two WooHoo-related achievements, while the Origin version has three. Note: Currently, Origin only recognises Achievements per save file rather than per player profile, although the latter is the case for console versions and is what most players will recognise as the industry standard. It’s rumoured that a planned update will bring the system for PC players into line with their console buddies, but for now the discrepancy exists.

Achievement: ‘50-Mile-High Club’ Platforms: Origin, Xbox One, and PlayStation 4 Requirements: Successfully WooHoo in a Rocketship.

Step 1: Acquire a Rocket Ship. Buy the ‘Steampunk Flyamajig’ (cost: §5,000 in Build Mode). Alternatively, if a Sim in your game has reached Level 10 in either branch of the Astronaut career (Space Ranger or Interstellar Smuggler), you will have unlocked access to slightly nicer and pricier models. Whichever version you use, you’ll need at least 5x6 tiles of free space outdoors in order to place it on the lot. Step 2: Build the Rocket Ship. Unfortunately, all the Rocket Ships you can buy in The Sims 4 are self-assembly models: all you get for your money is the base plate, and it will cost another §1,000 to get the components you need to start building. On the plus side, building a Rocket Ship doesn’t technically have any particular skill requirements: your Sim will develop the Rocket Science skill as they build, and in theory a Sim with Level 1 Rocket Science could complete the build successfully. However, they’ll almost certainly level up in the skill several times while building the Rocket Ship, because it takes quite a while to complete all three stages; even if your Sim dedicates themselves to the endeavour full-time, they’ll almost certainly need to stop and refresh their needs several times. Build time can be reduced in three ways: asking other Sims to help by working alongside your active Sim; having builder(s) with higher levels of the Rocket Science skill; and ensuring the builder(s) are in a Focused emotional state. Step 3: Initiate WooHoo. Once the Rocket Ship is finally built, have your Sim on the lot with their partner or romantic interest. Click on the Rocket Ship and select ‘WooHoo with…’ from the pop-up menu, choosing your Sim’s desired partner when prompted. If the interaction is successful, your Sims will head off for a rather spectacular romantic encounter, and the Achievement will unlock. Tip: This Achievement becomes much easier if one or, ideally, both partners are in the Astronaut career (and/or have Physics degrees with Discover University installed). The Rocket Science skill which is needed to advance in the career is developed by building the Rocket Ship, while in turn having the skills to reach higher levels in the career will enable you to buy better and more expensive Rocket Ships. Plus, having multiple Astronauts in the household working on the project effectively reduces cost and build time. It’s win-win-win! Alternative Method: If you really can’t be bothered with all this trouble and, crucially, if you have the City Living expansion pack installed, there is an exploit you can use to unlock this achievement with much less effort. The GeekCon festival is held at the Planet Honey Pop! karaoke bar in the Fashion District of San Myshuno on random Tuesdays (about once a fortnight of in-game time). There are two Rocket Ships at the festival, one of which is already completely built. Have your Sim and a romantic interest head to the festival together and simply have them select ‘WooHoo With…’ on the ready-made Rocket Ship to fast-track your way to this achievement. Once you’ve made contact with the afterlife, you can build Friendly and Romantic relationships with the ghostly Sim. Getting to the point where you can WooHoo with them is surprisingly normal given the circumstances: the advice on improving your chances of successful WooHoo given elsewhere in this guide applies equally to ghosts. It does not require a single Sim to WooHoo with 50 unique NPCs. Any time a Sim in the currently active household WooHoos with a new Sim who is not part of that household, the counter goes up; meaning that you could get the achievement using a different playable Sim for each encounter if you chose. Even more generously, ‘Non-Player’ in this context includes Sims who are part of other playable/played households in the game; they just need to be from outside of the household you’re currently controlling. It still requires a lot of time and relationship management to get 50 playable/NPC couples to the point where they can WooHoo successfully, but it’s not as daunting as it at first appears. Note: There is technically a fourth WooHoo-related Achievement in The Sims 4 for Origin, although it has been disabled in-game. The ‘Kama-Simtra’ Achievement, for having a single Sim WooHoo in every possible object, is still present in the game code but is not currently active. This may be because add-on content frequently introduces new locations where Sims can WooHoo, making achievement tracking difficult. Its continued presence behind the scenes suggests that it may be re-enabled at a later date, but for now it is not achievable in game-play, and therefore not covered in this guide.

The Sims 4 WooHoo explained  from how to WooHoo  locations and benefits - 61The Sims 4 WooHoo explained  from how to WooHoo  locations and benefits - 72The Sims 4 WooHoo explained  from how to WooHoo  locations and benefits - 80The Sims 4 WooHoo explained  from how to WooHoo  locations and benefits - 64The Sims 4 WooHoo explained  from how to WooHoo  locations and benefits - 40The Sims 4 WooHoo explained  from how to WooHoo  locations and benefits - 42The Sims 4 WooHoo explained  from how to WooHoo  locations and benefits - 81The Sims 4 WooHoo explained  from how to WooHoo  locations and benefits - 56The Sims 4 WooHoo explained  from how to WooHoo  locations and benefits - 15The Sims 4 WooHoo explained  from how to WooHoo  locations and benefits - 77The Sims 4 WooHoo explained  from how to WooHoo  locations and benefits - 37The Sims 4 WooHoo explained  from how to WooHoo  locations and benefits - 96The Sims 4 WooHoo explained  from how to WooHoo  locations and benefits - 53The Sims 4 WooHoo explained  from how to WooHoo  locations and benefits - 80The Sims 4 WooHoo explained  from how to WooHoo  locations and benefits - 6The Sims 4 WooHoo explained  from how to WooHoo  locations and benefits - 38The Sims 4 WooHoo explained  from how to WooHoo  locations and benefits - 53The Sims 4 WooHoo explained  from how to WooHoo  locations and benefits - 82The Sims 4 WooHoo explained  from how to WooHoo  locations and benefits - 91The Sims 4 WooHoo explained  from how to WooHoo  locations and benefits - 93The Sims 4 WooHoo explained  from how to WooHoo  locations and benefits - 80The Sims 4 WooHoo explained  from how to WooHoo  locations and benefits - 20The Sims 4 WooHoo explained  from how to WooHoo  locations and benefits - 46The Sims 4 WooHoo explained  from how to WooHoo  locations and benefits - 74The Sims 4 WooHoo explained  from how to WooHoo  locations and benefits - 41The Sims 4 WooHoo explained  from how to WooHoo  locations and benefits - 9The Sims 4 WooHoo explained  from how to WooHoo  locations and benefits - 90The Sims 4 WooHoo explained  from how to WooHoo  locations and benefits - 41